Are younger people less likely to get divorced?
Statistically, the U.S. divorce rate of younger people is lower, and the trend is toward lower divorce rates overall. The decreasing marriage rate is a contributing factor. Whatever the reason, the post-baby boom generation (those born after 1964) has shown to be less likely to divorce. While the divorce rate over the past decade has fallen 18%, people younger than 45 account for virtually all of that decline.
There are good reasons to not get divorced…
Married couples and their children have higher incomes, more stability, and greater economic security than people who aren’t married or who are divorced. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that children who grow up in an intact family fare better academically, emotionally and professionally. If your marriage is floundering, counseling, separation, or mediation may be a better alternative than in-court divorce proceedings.
…And good reasons to get divorced
Unfortunately, some marriages just cannot be fixed. A couple whose life together has, for whatever reason, become unbearable should not feel obliged to “tough it out.” In those situations, divorce may be the best solution. Ideally, a divorce should be the one thing the couple can agree on.