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Co-Parenting in

The Digital Age.

Communication Resources

Wisconsin co-parenting in the digital age

Co-Parenting in the Digital Age

Today families are busier than ever and it can be difficult to keep up even when the family is intact. Trying to co-parent after a divorce with children can seem impossible to communicate and keep up with the schedules. Luckily, in today’s digital age, there are many programs out there to help parties co-parent.


Kidganizer is a program specifically designed for family management for divorced parents. The program helps organize all relevant information, including but not limited to personal and financial data, in one localized place that both parents can assess. Both parents received updated alerts for any upcoming appointments and necessary reminders. While it is a very useful application for divorced parents, it can even be useful for parents who are together but are struggling to communicate and coordinate schedules.


FaceTime is a video app available on Apple devices, such as an iPad or iPhone. Using face to face communication is a great option for divorced parents with children as it can be accessed with WiFi and is easy for young children to use. Having face to face communication with their child helps connect with them on a personal level and help foster the relationship, even while being away. The FaceTime app provides parents and kids an easy and convenient way to keep in contact with each other.


GoogleDuo is a similar app to FaceTime, however, it is not limited to a specific type of device.  GoogleDuo can be used on any device that has video and audio capabilities. This app too helps foster relationships among families that have placement schedules.

Custody Junction

Custody Junction is a program that allows separated parents to execute their custody and placement orders. Upcoming visitation schedules and child support payments can be scheduled two years in advance. This can help parents remain informed and organized as they try to make future plans in their own lives. The information logged in the program can be shared with any necessary third party, such as a Guardian ad Litem or family lawyer.

Our Family Wizard

Wisconsin Courts are very fond of ordering parents to communication with Our Family Wizard. This program allows you to calendar everything, written communication, and send invoices for expenses. This comprehensive app helps you manage all aspects of co-parenting. It is by far the most ordered form of communication and management from Wisconsin Courts. There is also an option for a “tone monitor” in order to ensure people are communicating in the most effective way possible.


In addition to the apps above, be sure to speak with the child’s teachers and doctors to see if they have apps that you can use to maintain connection. It is critical that both parents are  able to communicate and receive all the necessary information through the most effective way.

In a world where technology's making this so confusing, digital and mobile technology can make co-parenting easier and less stressful.

To learn more about how technology can make your life easier co-parenting, contact our firm today!




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