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Divorce Attorneys for

High net worth

in wisconsin

High net worth divorce attorneys

High net worth divorce in Wisconsin

Breaking up might not be the most difficult part of a high net worth divorce. Severing financial ties without fully understanding your assets can lead to financial loss and legal consequences.

If you have children, child support will likely be a factor in the divorce. To see an estimate of child support payments, use our Wisconsin child support calculators for high-income families. 


Divergent Family Law attorneys have experience navigating high-net-worth divorces in Wisconsin. One bad decision now can affect you and your ex's finances for years to come. Don't take chances. Get Divergent Family Law on your side.

Contact the attorneys at Divergent today.
What to talk about with a Wisconsin Attorney

Meeting With a Divorce Lawyer: 3 Things You Need to Discuss

Taking that leap toward starting a divorce can be a daunting and emotional experience. As you prepare to consult with an attorney, make sure you are prepared to discuss important details to your case.  There are three main things that always come up in a consult:

1. Property Division and Assets

In a divorce, there will have to be a division of property owned by each party. At your initial consultation, you should have a rough idea of all the major property, assets, and debts in the marriage. Documentation plays a crucial role in divorce, so getting the documentation together on all of the assets and debts is a key move to organize yourself for your consultation.

2. Child Support, Placement, and Custody

If there are minor children that are a product of your marriage, you are going to have to come up with a child support, placement, and custody plan. In Wisconsin, child support should be expected because both parents are legally obligated to financially support their children. In divorces, placement and support tend to be the most difficult issues to resolve. It is imperative that you work with your attorney, letting them know all of the skeletons in your closet so they can work with you to deliver the best results for you. At the end of the day, each party needs to keep the children’s best interest on the forefront of their mind when discussing this topic.

3. Attorney Fee Structure and Timeline

When finding a Wisconsin family law attorney, you want to ensure that their fees and fee structure are well within your budget. A respectable attorney will be up front and forward with their costs, meaning no hidden fees. Be prepared to discuss fees with an attorney and know realistically what you can afford up front or if you need a payment plan.

An attorney can also go over a timeline as to the divorce. In Wisconsin, there is a minimum 120 day waiting period, but an experienced attorney can discuss with you the realistic timeline for a divorce.

The best thing to do is to have an attorney who understands you unique position and who is willing to fight for you. It is important you are able to trust and confide in your divorce lawyer and that you choose one who is experienced in family law.

What to talk about with a Wisconsin Attorney




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