Guardian ad Litem FAQ's
Who pays for a Guardian ad Litem in Wisconsin?
The court determines a reasonable rate and orders either or both parties to pay all or any part of the compensation of the guardian ad litem. Compensation is for the GAL's legal fees and investigation costs, such as fees for tests and experts.
How Much Does a Guardian ad Litem Cost?
In Wisconsin, the fees for a guardian ad litem range from $1,000 - $3,000. If you cannot afford your portion, you may file a motion to reduce the fee, have the other party pay, have the court pay or get the fee waived.
What can I do if there was guardian ad litem misconduct?
You can discuss your concerns directly with the GAL, contact the court through writing or complete a complaint form against the guardian ad litem. Discuss the situation with your lawyer for the best advice.
Can I change GALs?
There are very unique and limited circumstances in which a new guardian ad litem would be assigned. Disagreeing with a GAL’s recommendations is not a valid reason to request a new one.
When can I request an update from my guardian ad litem?
Wisconsin Statute 767.407 (4m) (a) states at any time after 120 days, a party may ask the court for a status hearing related to the actions taken and work performed by the GAL. A second hearing can be filed 120 days after the first.
What are the consequences of lying to a guardian ad litem?
If the father or mother is lying to the guardian ad litem, and the lie is discovered, their credibility will be diminished based on the severity. The GAL will likely report the lie to the court and the GAL’s final recommendation may be impacted.